Special Ed Law


  1. http://www.fape.org/idea/2004/summary.htm

    Helping Parents and Advocates Improve
    Educational Results for Children with Disabilities

    This Website and article gives a summary of IDEA 2004 and the IEP process and parental rights.

    This article is useful in understanding what the changes made to the special education statue and how it effects both schools and parents. It helps explain the roles of the family and that of the school in placing and determining what services should be provided.

  2. IDEA 2004 Summary by (FAPE) free appropriate public education:

    3 main topics in this IDEA 2004 summary:

    IEP PROCESS - (IEP) Individual Education Plans are created to help students with disabilities create a personal education plan that they can meet. IDEA requires a description of how progress toward meeting will be measured. Even though they removed "the extent to which progess is sufficient," annual goals must be reported. The new section allows IEP team members to be excused from meetings that will not discuss their area, however, parents should be able to meet with the entire IEP team at least once a year.

    DUE PROCESS: Provides parental rights to their child's education. They now have two years to exercise their due process rights if they feel their right is being compromised. Schools now have to respond to any complaint within 10 days.

    DISCIPLINE: In the event there is a complaint and appeal the student is protected by the "stay put" policy that allows that student to continue to receive his/her free appropriate public education. The parents now are the ones who prove that a behavior is caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the disability. Before IDEA 2004, this burden was on the school district. Another new provision is the case-by-case determination which allows the school personnel to consider any unique circumstances when determining discipline of a child with a disability.

  3. Conditions of Teaching Children with Exception Learning Needs: The Bright Futures Report

    This article is a summary of the importance of attracting and keeping qualified special education teachers. “In the school-year of 96-97, 4,000 special education teaching positions remained unfilled in the US, and nearly 33,000 positions were staffed by teachers not fully qualified.”

    This is a great concern which is why a survey was conducted to identify current conditions.

    Variables that Affect a Teacher’s Ability to Succeed

    • A sense of collegiality and professionalism
    • An environment of open and frequent communication
    • Climate of support
    • Availability to resources
    • Clarity of roles and responsibilities

    Specific Barriers that Obstruct Quality Performance

    • Class size and composition – caseload
    • Amount of paperwork (includes IEP’s, state forms, minutes from meetings, reports for students, medical assistance, telephone logs, progress reports, notes to parents, etc.)
    • Time for consultation and planning

    Gap Between Expectations and Resources
    • Rapidly changing society and profession
    • Little is being done to “prepare” future special education teachers.
    • Lack of appropriate resources and materials
    • Rapid growing number of students with exceptionalities and little time for collaborative planning
    • Feeling inadequately prepared to meet the needs of the student
    • Overwhelming paperwork
    • Expectations put on the students
    • Shortage of qualified special education teachers

    Creating Conditions that Promote Successful Special Education Teaching

    • Define the roles of each the SPED / GEN ED teachers
    • Create the context for high-quality practice
    • Leverage time with technology tools – help reduce paperwork burden
    • Standardized decision-making processes
    • Create a career continuum in special education
    • Develop cohesive professional licensure system
    • Provide systems supports

